/ THE MILLS, Zabytkowa Kopalnia Ignacy, Radlin (2024)
/ THE MILLS, Ferdinandova kolonáda, Marienbad (2024)
/ THE MILLS, Kavárna klubu Cross, Prague (2024)
/ THE MILLS, Knihovna Jiřího Mahena, Brno (2023)
/ ŽELEZIARNE, SRDCE PRIEMYSLU, Košice, Slovakia (2022)
/ HUTY, Muzeum Hutnictwa, Chorzów, Poland (2022)
/ THE MILLS, Centrul de Cultură Urbană Turnul Croitorilor, Cluj, Romania (2021)
/ THE MILLS, Muzeul Cineastului Amator, Resita, Romania (2021)
/ INDUSTRIEKULTUR, Haus der Fotografie, Husum, Germany (2021)
/ outdoor exhibition KRAJINY PRÁCE, Ostrava (2021)
/ THE MILLS, Do Větru pub, Prague (2020)
/THE MILLS, Eccentric Club, Prague (2019)
/ THE MILLS, National Heritage Institute, Ostrava (2019)
/ THE MILLS, Schrott Gallery, Brno (2019)
/ THE MILLS DOV Vitkovice, Ostrava (2018)
/ THE MILLS, Mayrau colliery, Vinařice (2018)
/ THE MILLS, Nikon Photo Gallery, Prague (2018)
/ "Žofinská huť v Moravské Ostravě 1873-1972", Ostravské Muzeum, Ostrava (2023)
/ 1. Auction Art and Photo Salon, Galerie Art Mozaika, Prague (2022)
/ HOYM Industry Festival, Poland (2017)
/ "Festiwal Fotografii Industrialnej" , Siemianowice Śląskie, Poland (2016)
/ Pavel Zubek&ViktorMácha "Industrial sights", Prague (2016)
/ "Et Cetera" held under Eleutheria Foundation, Galerie 1, Prague (2016)
/ "Industrial topography, The Architecture of Conversion, Czech Republic 2005–2015", Jaroslav Fragner gallery, Prague (2014)
/ INDUSTRIALife, Ostrava(2009)
/170 let Třineckých železáren", Třinec (2009)
/ 5th international biennale Vestiges of Industry, Prague (2009)
Documentary movie about my industrial passion (2017, czech, english subtitles)
TV Tagil interview (2014, russian)
Interview for Nikon (2015, czech)
Report about my visit to ArcelorMittal North America (2015, english)
Interview for Prom-Front (2016, russian)
Interview for AnalogPhoto blog (2016, russian)
Interview for Radio Free Europe (2017, english)
Interview for Deník E15 (2018, czech)
Interview for Proti Šedi (2018, czech)
Reportage about THE MILLS exhibition in Ostrava (2019, czech)
Furnace Elegy, Avaunt (2019, english)
Interview for magazine Strojírenství (2020, czech)
Article for Hospodarske Noviny (2021, czech)
Interview for Centrum FotoŠkoda (2021, czech)
Capturing the hidden beauty of industry, Postindustrial (2021, english)
TV NOVA Magazín Víkend: Industriální fotograf Viktor Mácha (2021, czech)
Guest at CNN Prima News (2022, czech)
Interview about the situation at Azovstal (2022, english)
Interview for (2022, czech)
Interview about Azovstal for DVTV (2022, czech)
Podcast Jedno Procento Miloše Čermáka (2022, czech)
Article for the Goethe-Institut (2022, czech/german)
Reportage about my exhibition at Slovak Technical Museum (2022, slovak)
Reportage about my visit to BlueScope Port Kembla works (2023, english)
Podcast Manufacturing Talks with Jim Vinoski (2023, english)
Vizitka, Český rozhlas Vltava (2023, czech)
Forbes interview (2024, english)
Reportage about my visit to Siderurgica Alterosa (2024, portuguese)
Article about my visit to Chile and Huachipato steelworks (2024, spanish)