Despite the fact that Slovakia is not really and industrial country, the metallurgical plant in Podbrezová belongs among the most important mills in Europe.
Its history is dating back to the beginning of the 18th century, when the "Hrončiansky železářský komplex" was founded in neighbouring town of Hroniec. It soon became the most important iron production center in the whole of Hungary kingdom.
The production of rails for the Austrian monarchy was launched in Podbrezova in 1840. Thanks to the increasing sales, the original puddling furnaces were replaced by the first open-hearth furnaces in 1879.
Tubes, which are currently the main products of "Železiarne Podbrezová, are produced here since 1930.
But their production continues since 1968 in the New Mill, which was built about two kilometers to the east.
On the grounds of the Old Mill today we can the steel plant hall with a 60-ton electric arc furnace and four-stream continuous caster.
Keywords: zeleziarne podbrezová, zel-po, slovensko, oceliaren, steelworks, stahlwerk, steel mill, industrial photography, industriekultur, industriální fotografie, elektrická oblouková pec, pecfront, tenova
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