Železárny Hrádek (Steelworks)

Železárny Hrádek (Steelworks)

Hradek ironworks were established on the site of former hammer mill , which was bought by a local businessman Rudolf L. Hudlicky in 1900. The operation of the modernized smelter was launched just year later. The production focused on agricultural, gardening and mining character tools from cast iron.

With increasing demand Hudlicky commissioned the first rolling mill in 1906. Grey iron foundry was put in operation soon after.

The most significant expansion of Hradek works are occured in the period 1912-1915 . Along with the reorganization and establishment of joint-stock company begins construction of open-hearth shop designed by architect Stanislav Bechyně with adjacent heavy, medium and light section rolling mill.

After the nationalization the mill was merged into United steelworks concern. As the steel demand was increasing new melting shop with three arc furnaces was built during 60´s.

Hradek works are now owned by Z-Group Steel holding. Besides of pair of open-hearth furnaces, which were shut down for environmental reasons in 2001 and their symbolic smoke stacks dismantled in 2013, three former rolling mills are still in use. Steel is supplied by two electric arc furnaces (40 tons).

Keywords: železárny hrádek, bílá cerekev, hrádek u rokycan, rudolf hudlický, ocelárna, stahlwerk, steel plant, elektrická oblouková pec, electric arc furnace, industriální fotografie, industrial photography, tavírna, melting shop, odpich obloukové pece, tapping, 2018

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