Saint-Gobain Pont-a-Mousson

Saint-Gobain Pont-a-Mousson

Ironworks in small french town Pont-a-Mousson were founded in 1856 shortly after the first iron ore was founded in Marbache nearby. By the 1867 three blast furnaces were already in operation here. The production was strictly focused on casted sewer pipes.

During the Great War the plant was severly damaged and rebuilt completely in 1924 when the blast furnace charging system was replaced by integral horizontal conveyor belt connecting all furnaces together.

In 1933 centrifugal casting was put into operation and thanks to Jan Cavallier the pig iron was replaced by ductile iron according to imported U.S. patent in 1949. In 1970 the works were integrated into Saint-Gobain group.

Today Saint Gobain Pont-a-Mousson belongs among last three active blast furnace sites in France. The production is focused on casted pipes and manohle covers. All three blast furnaces are working on shifts, no.3 was completely relined in 2014.

Keywords: saint-gobain, pont-a-mousson, francie, france, ironworks, železárny, hütte, hochofenanlage, huť, ductile iron, blast furnace, vysoká pec, industriální architektura, industrial architecture, Lorraine, Lotrinsko

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