Pashiya blast furnace

Pashiya blast furnace

Baron Stroganoff´s daughter Anna together with her husband Prince Mikhail Galitsin established the smelter in Pashiya (Perm region) in 1782 already. The first and together the most powerful blast furnace in Ural during that time was put into operation in 1786. Second and third blast furnaces were commissioned in 1787 and 1818.

In 1879 the mill with surrounding woods and ore mines are hired by "Franco-Russian Ural joint-stock company" for next 40 years. So that the Frenchs starts some major investments in 1888, blast furnaces are radicaly modernized and the fourth blast furnace is fired up.

In 1918 all plants are nationalized and Pashiya ironwors are shutdown in 1924. The production was restarted during the 40´s together with the construction of new cement plant and iron foundry nearby. The old and out-dated blast furnaces were torn down and replaced by new 220 m3 capacity blast furnace in 1956. The last tapping was done in 19.12.2009.

The foundry producing grey iron pellets for cement industry together with the cement plant are still active.

Keywords: vysoká pec, železárny, huť, metalurgie, hochofen, hüttenwerk, hütte, blast furnace, ironworks, industrial, industriální fotografie, industry, industrial photograhy, rusko, russia, russland, pashiya, Пашийский металлургическо-цементный завод

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