Outokumpu Avesta

Outokumpu Avesta

Avesta is one of the oldest metallurgical centers in Europe. Already in 14th century there was a "Farmer´s forge" providing the basic metalurgical operations that time.
Shrinking wood resources surrounding the Falu copper mine caused relocation of the copper smelter to Avesta in 1639 which soon became the largest copper coin manufacturer in Europe. Mint facility "Koppardalen" which was set up by the river in the northern part of the city was in operation until the deposits in Falu mine were exhausted in 1831.
However this was not the end of industrial activity in Avesta. The copper works were gradually rebuilt for iron ore smelting and first carbon steel processing.

At the beginning of the First World War Englishman Harry Brearly discovered stainless steel here. After 1924 the production oriented on special steels production and became world dominant during 60´s.
In 1989 former heavy plate rolling mill was upgraded to the Steckel type mill. In 1992 , the company Aveta AB merged with British Steel and Avesta-Sheffield AB was formed. The current steel making shop dates back to this period when it used to be the world´s fastest melt shop.
In 2002 Avesta works were incorporated into the Outokumpu Group.

Keywords: outokumpu avesta, švédsko, sweden, stalverk, stahlwerk, steel mill, ocelárna, válcovna, walzwerk, rolling mill, steckel, industrial photography, industriální fotografie, stojanfront

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