Kovohutě Rokycany

Kovohutě Rokycany

Origins of Rokycany non-ferrous smelter are dating back to 1911, when entrepreneur Rudolf Hudlicky founded his factory manufacturing agricultural implements.
In 1922 a "Ammunition and metal goods factory" was established by new owner, Edwin Eisner. Non-ferrous foundry, tube and rolling mill was constructed one year later.

In 1925 a low-frequency electric melting furnace AJAX was put in operation here as the first of its type in whole Czechoslovakia.

After the nationalization much of the production facilities were modernized and a wire continuous caster was commissioned.

Construction of the new nickel-alloys strip mill begun in 1978.

Today, Kovohutě Čelákovice is the leading domestic manufacturer of semi-finished nickel and copper products. Such products are used in electronics, telecommunications, automation, and vacuum technology.

Keywords: kovohutě rokycany, rudolf hudlický, česká republika, slévárna, giesserei, foundry, industriální architektura, industrial architecture

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