KD Foundry

KD Foundry

Former part of Králův Dvůr ironworks (Králodvorské železárny), today private company KD Foundry, belongs among the oldest iron foundries in Czech Republic. The rich history of iron smelting in Kraluv Dvur dates back to 1346 and was founded by king Charles IV. The very first czech charcoal furnace was constructed in 1595. The works were largely modernized in 1860 by Fürstenberg family. Charcoal process was replaced by first blast furnace. New foundry was built at the same time together with moulding and machining shop.
After the shutdown of last blast furnace in 1987 the foundry was privatized. The main products are casted rolls and ingot moulds up to weight of 10 tons. The melting platform consits of two 3t induction furnaces and one 10t holding furnace.

Keywords: králodvorské železárny, karlova huť, králův dvůr, slévárna, foundry, giesserei, indukční pec, induction furnace, odpich, tapping

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