Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann

Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann

Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann is one another historically important mill situated in german Ruhrgebiet. Ironworks named after well known brothers Reinhard and Max Mannesmann began the production in 1909. The main final products were seamless pipes as the plant´s name indicates.
New industrial port within the site was started to build in 1914 for needs of raw material transportations on the river Rhine. The combine was finished in 1924.

The most important changes occured during the 70´s when old blast furnaces were exchanged by modern "A" and "B".

Even after more then 100 years of pig iron production HKM still belongs among the main crude steel producers in Europe.

Keywords: hüttenwerke krupp mannesmann, hüttenheim, ocelárna, stahlwerk, huť, steelworks, hütte, steel plant, steel mill, ironworks, vysoká pec, železárny, blast furnace, industriální architektura, industrial architecture, 2019

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