Dzielnica Lipiny, Świętochłowice

Dzielnica Lipiny, Świętochłowice

One of the oldest workingmen settlements in Silesia is located in Świętochłowice town district. It started to grow in the second half of 18th century around former farm house. Most of current buildings were built in the first years of 20th century. Thanks to zinc smelting plants nearby the settlement belonged among the most polluted places in Europe. Although the situation improved after the downturn of zinc industry, Lipiny are still one of those addresses you don´t wish to live at.

Keywords: Dzielnica Lipiny, swietochlowice, familok, dělnická kolonie, workingmen settlement, silesia, slask, horní slezsko, bydlení pro chudé, pracující třída

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