Boschgotthardshütte, steel foundry

Boschgotthardshütte, steel foundry

Boschgotthardshütte was founded in 1467 as so-called “Hammer an der Ferndorf”. Siegerland district was well known for rich deposits of iron ore, deep forrests and fine water energy sources.

The forging tradition lasted until 60´s of the 20th century when the first steel production facility was commissioned here. With its 40 tons electric arc furnace, AOD converter and laddle furnace the mill focuses on high-alloyed special steels and high-grade structural steel mainly.

Keywords: slévárna, giesserei, foundry, industrial, industriální fotografie, industry, industrial photograhy, industriekultur, Boschgotthardshütte, lití oceli, steel casting, ingots teeming, stahlguss, německo, germany, deutschland, siegen, steel foundry

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