ArcelorMittal Ostrava Nová Huť

ArcelorMittal Ostrava Nová Huť

Accordingly to production volume growth Vitkovice ironworks had to solve current pent and unpromising situation in the middle of Ostrava town.
A decission to build brand new plant at Kuncice was made in 1942.

Construction works has begun between 1947-48.

The very first stages of the mill were formed by four coke batteries, two blast and four open-hearth furnaces and two rolling mills.

Blast furnace no.3 and no.4 were built later, between 1958-61.

In the next period the open-hearth shop was modernized and rebuilt to a tandem shop which is still in operation.

Continuos caster was commissioned in 1993.

Keywords: Arcelormittal ostrava, nová huť klementa gottwalda, nhkg, česká republika, slezsko, silesia, železárny, ocelárna, vysoká pec, blast furnace, hochofenanlage, hüttenwerk, ironworks, industriální architektura, industrial architecture, 2015

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