ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor

ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor

Indiana Harbor is currently the largest integrated plant in the USA. It consists of two formely competitive works East and West.
East Works were founded in 1901 with technological assistance of French engineer from Lorraine Moise Dreyufs. In the very beginning only the open-hearth shop was built, blast furnaces and rolling mills followed later.
During the WWII the works were producing for military needs mainly and the plant was growing fast. After the war the production slowly moved to automotive industry; first hot strip mill and cold rolling mill were built. By the end of the sixties the mill had 24,000 workers already.
The decline of American industry during the 70´s caused plenty of changes. First the Eastern works started cooperation with Japanese company Nippon Steel and in 1998 became part of Ispat International.

West works were founded in 1923 by Youngstown Sheet And Tube and were merged with Jones and Laughlin Steel Company from Pittsburgh in 60´s. Another change occured after fusion with Republic Steel, creating new group known as LTV Steel. After bankruptcy in 2000 the works became part of ISG Group.

Since 2005 both works became part of ArcelorMittal Group, which operates three blast furnaces, three BOF steel plants, an electric steelworks, three strip mill and rod mill. Blast furnace No.7 with capacity of 4163 m3 is the largest furnaces in the United States.

Keywords: arcelormittal, indiana harbor, chicago, illinois, steelworks, ironworks, železárny, vysoká pec, blast furnace, hochofen, industrial landscape, industriání krajina

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