ArcelorMittal Aviles

ArcelorMittal Aviles

By a presidential decree from 15th of June 1950 it was decided to build the very first integrated plant in Spain. It was named ENSIDESA (Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica, S.A.) and its foundation was intended to provide steel for domestic use and avoid having to purchase it from privately owned corporations.

And so that the construction of a coke plant, blast furnaces and a steel making shop with a hot strip mill began in 1952 .

The first blast furnace known as Carmen was tapped for the very first time in 1957 and by 1969 there were four blast furnaces already, which were in operation until the mid-1990s, when pig iron production moved to the modern plant in Gijon.

In 1994 CSI became the owner, which was bought by Aceralia three years later. In 2002, Arcelor was created and since 2006 ArcelorMittal is running the whole site.

Keywords: arcelormittal, aviles, ensidesa, arcelormittal spain, steel making, steelworks, industrial photography, industriekultur, industrialni fotograf, beauty of steel, asturias, 2022

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