Acciaierie di Calvisano, 80t EAF

Acciaierie di Calvisano, 80t EAF

Calvisano steel plant was founded by Feralpi group in 1972.

Melting shop consists of one 80 tons elekctric arc furnace with laddle furnace and three-strands continuous caster. Special steel billets goes mostly to nearby Siderurgica Lonato and rolled into rebars and wires.

Acciaierie di Calvisano is an typical example of regular mini-mill in Northen Italy.

Keywords: acciaierie di Calvisano, italy, itálie, steel plant, steelmill, ocelárna, stahlwerk, eaf, eop, electric arc furnace, elektrická oblouková pec, melting shop, pecfront, feralpi, tenova

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