Šmeral Brno foundry

Šmeral Brno foundry

The foundry situated in the central part of Brno was founded in 1861 by entrepreneur Ignac Storek. The first foundry building with cupola and charcoal furnace were finished soon after. Small casts from gray iron were initially oriented to engineering and textile mills , sugar factories and railway companies .

The founder died in 1888 and his son Jindrich took over. He expanded the production of steel castings and built the Siemens-Martin furnace for such purpose, it was one of the first in the Austro- Hungarian Empire in that time.

In 1913 the foundry was significantly expanded by forming shop a laboratory, the product range was enriched by water turbines and forming tools .

In 1919 the very first Kaplan turbine was manufactured here and subsequently commissioned in austrian Velm.

In the last days of World War II , the plant was heavily damaged by bombing. After the nationalization, the company was named Šmeral Brno . In 1954 , the foundry was completely rebuilt and production focused mainly on steel castings .

Šmeral foundry is now engaged in manufacture and repairs of equipment for automotive, agricultural and aerospace industries. Melting shop consists of three induction and two electric arc furnaces .

Keywords: slévárna, foundry, giesserei, Šmeral Brno, Česká republika, czech republic, tavírna, melting shop, induction furnace, indukční pec, odpich, tapping

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