kwk  Chwałowice

kwk Chwałowice

The Chwalowice coal mine, located in the Rybnik district, was established in 1907 under the name "Donnersmarckgrube".

In 1918 it was merged into the concern ´Dyrekcja Kopalń i Hut księcia Donnersmarcka´.

After the war, the mine was renamed Kopalnie węgla kamiennego
Chwałowice, at that time producing one million tonnes of coal annually.

Between 1951 and 1975, the entire mine underwent extensive modernisation, resulting in two million tonnes of coal extracted in 1974.
The last pit, No VIII, was excavated and put into operation between 1979 and 1987.

After the privatisation, the ´Rybnicka Spółka Węgloa S.A.´ concern was established. Shortly afterwards, the mine was merged with the now now longer existing Rymer colliery.
In 2003, Kompania Węglowa S.A. was established.

Since 2016, the mine has been part of the "Polska Grupa Górnicza, PGG S.A." group.

Keywords: 2024, pgg sa, Polska Grupa Górnicza, chwalowice, kopalnia, kwk chwalowice, polsko, silesia, poland, mining, coal mine, colliery, hornictvi, gornictwo, szyb, bergbau, bergwerk, industrial architecture, industrial photography

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