Huta Pokój ironworks, blast furnace

Huta Pokój ironworks, blast furnace

The last standing blast furnace in Ruda Śląska was once part of huge metallurgical complex of Huta Pokój (former "Friedenshütte", founded in 1840).

Three blast furnaces used to be there till the beginning of 90´s. Unfortunately, only the mondern one ("A") has been preserved as a technical monument. Stalmag, current owner of the blast furnace, tried to produce feromanganese here until the last shutdown in 2005.

There are also two rolling mills on the ground operated by Euroblacha S.A. company, focusing on steel plates, cold and hot formed sections.

The heavy plate mill was shutdown for good in 2016.

Keywords: vysoká pec, železárny, huť, metalurgie, hochofen, hüttenwerk, hütte, blast furnace, ironworks, industriální architektura, industriální fotografie, industrial architecture, industrial photograhy, industriekultur, polsko, polska, ruda slaska, huta pokoj, wielki piec, 2014

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