

The mill in Osnabrück county was founded in 1856 by Georg V. Hannover and his wife Marie and named after them. In 1923 whole plant was taken over by Klöckner-Konzern and finally bought by current owner, Jürgen Grossmann, in 1993.

Right after the old-fashioned blast furnace line and converters were replaced by modern electric steel making facility. Its 140 tons DC arc furnace was relined in 2005.

Today the Georgsmarienhütte company belongs among the major steel producers in Europe. Steel bars and billets are used in automotive industry mainly.

Keywords: industriální fotografie, industrial photography, georgsmarienhutte, germany, německo, steelmill, steel plant, stahlwerk, ocelárna, eaf, eop, electric arc furnace, elektrická oblouková pec, vsázecí koš, charging bucket, worker, dělník, huť, hütte

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