Dunaferr iron and steel works

Dunaferr iron and steel works

The idea of metallurgical plant establishment southern from Budapest prevailed in Hungary since the end of 19th century. However due to lack of ore deposits around the plan was not realized.
Only the escalation of communistic industrialization after the Second World War gave rise to first construction project of the integrated mill in Sztálinváros (today Dunaújváros).

By the end of 1960 two blast furnaces, a pair of Siemens-Martin furnaces, coke plant and strip mill were put in operation here. With closed metallurgical cycle production was focused on the automotive industry (cars Ikraus and Raba), oil and gas pipeline systems and construction sector.

Between 1973-74 first continuous casting machine was built. In 1981 the outdated open-hearth shop was replaced by two (130t) LD converters.

Today an agglomeration, two blast furnaces (960 m3 and 1,033 m3), two coking plants with dry and wet quenching system, basic oxygen steel plant with subsequent continuous caster, strip mill and cold rolling mill are active.

Dunaferr is currently owned by ISD corporation.

Keywords: dunaferr, dunaujvaros, hungary, maďarsko, železárny, hüttenwerk, ironworks, steelworks, huť, vysoká pec, blast furnace, hochofen, industrial photography, industriální architektura, industriální fotografie, industrial architecture, highline, 2012

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