Legendary mill on the right bank of Kalmius river was founded in 1870 by welsh engineer John Hughes.
The first blast furnace was tappped two years later only. 24 puddling and 13 wendling furnaces with 2 rolling-mills were operating there at the same time. Two more blast furnaces and open-hearth shop were constructed by the end of 19th century and the works became the largest one in whole Russia.
In 1910 the combine consisted of 6 blast and 9 open-hearth furnaces with two bessemer converters.
With impending second world war most of the equipment was transported to Ural to Serov ironworks. German army destroyed the whole complex in 1943.
The production was restarted immediately after the war.
In 1953 a plate mill was built and world´s first continuous caster has been launched in 1960.
The open-hearth shop was shutdown for good in April 2012.
Unique steel foundry with two 5 tons bessemers is still active.