Fergubel Ferro Gusa Bela Vista

Fergubel Ferro Gusa Bela Vista

Matozinhos is a small town north of Belo Horizonte and it´s mainly known for cement production. However thanks to the rich and easily accessible deposits of iron ore several iron smelting plants were established here in the 1960´s.
One of them was INBRASIL Indústria Brasileira de Siderurgia Ltda which started the operations with two charcoal mini blast furnaces in 1966.

The company was active until declared bankruptcy in 1995.

FERGUBEL Ferro Gusa Bela Vista Ltda was founded in 2004, took over the old size and started with general modernization during which the two former blast furnaces were replaced by brand new 140m3 charcoal mini blast furnace in 2006.

In addition to the processing and smelting of iron ore using the classic blast furnace method, there is also an iron foundry right next to the casthouse.

Keywords: Fergubel Ferro Gusa Bela Vista, brazil, matozinhos, siderurgica, alto forno, blast furnace, hochofen, vysoka pec, železárny, charcoal blast furnace, dřevěné uhlí, minas gerais, beauty of steel project, industrial photography, industrialni fotografie, 2023

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