Vallourec Jeceaba

Vallourec Jeceaba

Literally on the green fields 100 kilometres south of the Brazilian city Belo Horizonte, it was decided to build a modern steel mill known as
VSB (Vallourec & Sumitomo Tubos do Brasil) in 2007.
The first seamless tube mill was commissioned in 2011 and the equipment was supplied by SMS MEER.
The 140t electric arc furnace (Tenova) and secondary metallurgy plant (SMS Group) followed in 2015.

After the end of pig iron production at the Barreiro plant (Belo Horizonte), the first charcoal blast furnace in Jeceaba was put into operation in 2018, designed and constructed by Paul Wurth.

Vallourec Jeceaba is currently one of the world´s leading manufacturers of seamless pipes for the oil and gas industry.

Keywords: jeceaba, vallourec, vallourec brazil, siderurgica, siderurgia, minas gerais, alto forno, blast furnace, charcoal, industrial photography, industriekultur, beauty of steel project, paul wurth

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