Evraz Vítkovice Steel

Evraz Vítkovice Steel

The mill in the Ostrava city center was founded in 1828 already by archduke Rudolf von Habsburg and named "Rudolfshütte" after him. First coke fired blast furnace was built in 1836.
In 1843 the works were bought by banker Salomon Mayer Rothschild and the first bessemer converter is installed. In 1874 the Witkowitzer Bergbau- und Hüttengewerkschaft was founded.

In 1909 new open-hearth steel making shop was put into operation, Vitkovice ironworks became one the European leader in construction steel and heavy machinery. During the second world war the works were part of "Reichswerke Hermann Göring" and after nationalization in 1945 named as "Vitkovicke zelezarny Klementa Gottwalda".

Outdated Talbot furnaces were decommissioned in 1967 and replaced by tandem furnaces. In 1972 3,5m quarto plate rolling mill was put into operation. First (72t) oxygen converter was launched in 1982 and the second one in 1991. Tandem steel plant was cooled down soon after. Last active blast furnace (no.1) was shutdown in 1998.

Between 2007-2017 the works was owned by Evraz group.

In September 2015 the steel plant was shutdown for good and today only the heavy plate mill and heavy section mill are in operation under the flag of Vitkovice Steel company.

Keywords: ocelárna, ocel, metalurgie, huť, stahlwerk, hütte, steelworks, steel mill, steel plant, metalurgy, industrial, industriální fotografie, heavy industry, industrial photography, konvertor, konvertorová ocelárna, bof, basic oxygen furnace, vítkovice, evraz, ostrava, česká republika, czech republic, vítkovice steel

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